Wednesday, April 21, 2010

improbable monument

these are just random ideas that randomly pop into my head:
rollar coaster made out of pumpkins
monument on the moon/space
monument made out of marshmallows
a giant martini glass in the arctic ocean (perhaps housing a certain species from prey, or a hangout for a certain species)
a giant pig or cow eating a human

i think the idea that i will use for the final is something that i came up with today;
i have always been fascinated by cemeteries (as creepy as that sounds) as well as animals both on land and especially in the sea. My idea is to create Six large tombstones and place them somewhere within the continents (Africa, Asia, South America, North America, Europe and Australia) Carved onto these tombstones will be the names of extinct species within that continent. For the sake of my project I will only be writing the names of mammals because thousands of names probably wouldn't fit in such a small space. I also think this idea will work well with google earth which should be interesting.

i'll blog more as the come to mind..

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