Sunday, May 23, 2010

Culture Jamming-Mark Dery

"Culture Jamming" is an interesting term I'd never really thought about before. The "media hacking, information warfare, terror-art, and guerrilla semiotics, all in one." Some manifestations of culture jamming are sniping and subvertising. We are subjected to the jamming all the time, and we never even realize it.
We also never realize how much we are involved in the "TV experience." It's crazy to think how many people are bound by this and how it even leads to the rejection of things that boost intellect like books for example. I love to read but I have to admit that I watch more TV than I do reading. All that pointless time sitting in front of a screen, watching useless shows or movies I could have spent reading a good book. It's kind of sickening but the amount of people watching television is huge.
It's also interesting to learn about the histories of why and when television became popular and used more. For example times like the Persian Gulf War and the Reagan years.
"Reality isn't what is used to be," a very true quote, Dery even uses perfect examples to back up this notion of reality.

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